Banshawali 1st edition

The first edition of the genealogy was published on 29th Chaitra 2048. The first edition of the history of the Sitaula Bandhus was collected and published by my revered father Mr. Master Tulsi Prasad Sitaula. At a time when there was no transport, communication and other facilities, he reached the homes of every brother in Kuna Kandra in India, Bhutan, Burma and Nepal on foot and spent 15.20 years in collecting genealogies and provided a historical path for our generations. During the compilation, I went to the houses of various Bandhu Bandhavs and ate only fruits in that place, so he is known as a Bandhu who eats only fruits in those places. In this context, I would like to mention some social works done by him. After the death of his father when he was a minor of 8 years, he came to Dhankuta Gowda with his mother to confirm the date of the case filed by his father. The desire to read and write has awakened and he ran away saying that he would go to Nepal. In Biratnagar, a merchant has been hired to work in a tea shop, so that he can go to Nepal. Until then, they arrested and brought Krinsha Prasad Koirala to the tea shop on the charge of the accused. Business has launched Nepal. B, P, Koirala's father has suggested reading while cooking with Krinsha Prasad. Being a liberal leader, he entrusted Ranaji's work and education in Kathmandu. It has been 2007 years since I was studying and working as a cloth weaving master in Dhankuta Gounda, Terathum, Taplejug. Limbu, Rai, Chhetri, Bahunaka, looting houses and plowing in the same places where they work, went to Kathmandu and reported it. In order to pacify there, he appointed 17 policemen from King Sri 5th Tribhuvan Birbikramsah and got an order that he could appoint 60 young men if necessary and returned the loot from Dhankuta to Taplejug. During the last rites, other brothers and sisters bring as much rice and cash as possible to the house of the bereaved. In order to get land to the squatters, he fought for justice with Himalaya Biravivram Shah, the brother of the then King Mahendra Veeravivram Shah, and did not believe that anyone should be harmed by orders or money. Even though it was less than what was demanded after the fast, the land of Morang clan and Maharani Zhoda of Jhapa was registered in the name of the squatter people by the decree of the king. The squatters have been registered in the name of the people..Thus, he has done many exemplary works for the society including getting a school approved in Nighuradin of Taplejung district and donating land for the establishment of a police station in the same place. It seems that all the Sitaula Bandhu Bandhavs should take this and such things to heart.. After the law was not consistent in the case of Raja's brother Sag, after the evidence he had was robbed, he was not fully satisfied with his work as a squatter and his whole life, and he died at the age of 74 at the age of 74 in his birthplace Niguradin 3 in Taplejung District. He left this world on Baisakh 2, 2052.

It is inevitable that we new generations have to modify and refine the important works of our ancestors. As a small effort to move forward in the same way, I had the idea of ​​modifying and refining this genealogy even earlier, but due to the various difficulties of worldly life, I was not able to provide time for this work. One day suddenly, while participating in the Ban Bhoj of the Sitaula Society in Kathmandu, when the brothers raised the issues that it was necessary to publish the genealogy of the Sitaulas, I felt the first obligation to complete the work started by my father and after that I firmly started the work of compiling the genealogy. In today's modern age, with the ease of communication and transportation, my father had to face the same hardships while compiling the genealogy. Even though I did not experience that much difficulty in this work, different physical and mental problems than at that time kept trying to provide obstacles in my path, but after people were determined, it was impossible. Therefore, after 4 years of effort, I managed to complete this work of genealogy in one squeeze. Since genealogy and genealogy are things that are constantly developing, its modifications and improvements are definitely necessary in the coming days. I have high hopes on all Sitaula brothers and Sitaula Seva Samaj Nepal for that work. I have tried to complete many of the imperfections in the first edition in this edition. The task of separating the generations of brothers from the west side has been completed in this version. I believe that the situation will not come anymore where the generation and relationship will not be separated. Sister-in-law, daughter-in-law are mentioned in the genealogical history as they are part of our family. According to Garuda Purana, 1 generation father 2 generation son 3 generation grandson 3 generation only 1 generation